Sunday, January 31, 2016

Close Reading with Google Draw

Here are some Close Read Google Draw creations for your kiddos.  
Here is the link just make a copy:Penguins

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Domino Doubles

Here is the link:  Domino Doubles

Double Snowmen

More double practice: Double Snowmen

Double The Fun

Students have been working on Double Facts in first grade. They can use the bucket tool to create their fact and write a matching equation. This is the link:  Double Facts
These are some double fact songs to go along with this:
Double Doubles I Can Add Doubles    Doubles Doubles  It's The Doubles Baby

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Students Love Epic Books

Just learned about this website that offers free online books for students.  It is called: Epic Books  Just sign up your classroom and students can sign in and choose from a variety of genres.

Extra Credit

Here is another reason why I love chromebooks in the classroom.  After completing our written reindeer reports for informational writing, this student went home and used voice typing to create another one.  She also inserted reindeer photos. She sent it to my email and I gave her feedback using the comment tool.
Six years old.  Love It!