Wednesday, November 19, 2014

New Google Draw Creations

Turkey Place Value

Bonus Letter turkey


Acorns make ten

Bears on the bus

The Mitten Sequencing

Hint Cards

I use Hint cards in my classroom.  Hint cards allow kids to be successful in lessons.  Before kids ask you for help they need to get a hint card and use it to push their thinking.  So I was asked the other day about hint cards in kindergarten.  They can’t read yet, so how do they read the hint card??  I thought about it and decided to try creating Screencastify hint cards.  Here they are:

Friday, November 14, 2014

Chromebook Stars!!

So my first graders are chromebook stars!!  They are self sufficient with taking them home every night and returning them fully charged.  They use google classroom independently and screen castify is their favorite.  They help one another with chromebook questions and collaborate on assignments.  Yesterday a student asked me if he could share the differences between a woolly mammoth and a woolly rhinoceros.  So we found pictures of each on the chromebook and displayed them while he talked about each one.  Then I went into google draw and showed the students how to create a venn diagram.  We inserted the photos and I scripted facts that were shared.  The student wanted to continue it at home so I set up a google classroom just for him and added his venn diagram so he could continue his research at home.  LOVE IT!!  Here is what he has so far:

Friday, November 7, 2014

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Google Cast

A big thank you to Audra McPhillips for coming to our classroom today!!  She helped me set up Google Cast. so my students could cast their screens onto the board.  They each built a word with letter tiles Fundations on their chromebook and then took turns casting their screen and showing everyone what their word was.  They loved it!!  This is what the chromecast device looks like.  You can purchase one at Best Buy for $32.00.
Google - Chromecast HDMI Streaming Media Player - Larger Front